How is your transportation network really performing? Measure Up! is here to provide you with tools to help with the evaluation of your transportation network. Measure Up! establishes baselines for transportation performance metrics and origin-destination data for use by agencies and stakeholders to create detailed, reliable assessments.

Measure Up! is comprised of three tools:

  • A series of Excel workbooks
  • An online performance analytics tool
  • A transportation demand analytics dashboard

The Excel workbooks for each sub-region provide performance metrics based on historic travel time, speed, and volume data. Speed and travel time data is updated regularly and will be made available to agencies at Measure Up!

Visit Measure Up! for more information and to request access to the Excel workbooks and the online analytics tool.

The web-based analytics tool allows you to quickly assess the performance of your arterials. You can create a free account with your public agency e-mail address to generate reports, graphs, and animations to help you make data-driven decisions. The user-friendly interface provides real-time and aggregated historic data that you can use to identify project needs or to conduct before/after studies.

Visit the analytics tool to sign up for an account or visit Measure Up! for the Measure Up iPeMS Training and User Guide and 2020 ClearGuide Metro Training Booklet.

Transportation demand analytics via Measure Up! LOCUS dashboards visualize origin-destination trips throughout Los Angeles County. On the dashboards, origin-destination pairs can be filtered by mode for the analysis of your project needs and before/after studies.

Visit Measure Up! for more information and to request access to the Measure Up! LOCUS dashboards.